"I'm very happy to say that I'm going to vote for Matt Modine. I've known him forever and I just feel like … he can get us back to a union that is representing all of us. The very oldest of us and the very newest of us. I'm very grateful that someone is willing to come in and straighten up what many of us are concerned about”. -WHOOPI GOLDBERG
"I support Ms. Joely Fisher for our Secretary-Treasurer. It's time for us to have new leadership for our Union”. - MARTIN SHEEN
A message from Anne-Marie Johnson on behalf of MATTHEW MODINE and JOELY FISHER.
Time is of the essence. If you have already voted, good for you. If you haven't, we are specifically reaching out to you for your support.
You are invited to join us at our next M1st Town Hall Event, where we will listen to you. And we will answer your questions.
Thursday, August 26th, 6:00pm PDT. membershipmeeting.org
MEMBERSHIPFIRST will fight to make our Union work for ALL members.
MembershipFirst does not choose one group of members over another. Under M1st, we will RISE together. Under UFS, we will continue to SINK.
EACH VOTE TRULY COUNTS. The National Board Member seat in Hawaii was won by a difference of only FIVE votes.
Let’s make sure L.A. has the highest voter turn out. Your vote will help us end the current complacency and status quo. It’s not too late to vote.
Ballots are due by September 2nd. Need a replacement ballot? Call 323-549-6458 or email replacementballot@sagaftra.org
A New Future with MemberShipFirst:
M1st will enter all future contract negotiations with strength, making the needs of ALL SAG-AFTRA members our priority.
M1st will re-engage our members with open, honest and transparent communication.
M1st will appoint new SAG-AFTRA Health and Pension Trustees who are not conflicted or compromised, AND who understand the needs and concerns of hard working union performers.
Under the current leadership, the overwhelming majority of UFS appointed health plan trustees were, and continue to be, responsible for thousands of members LOSING their SAG-AFTRA Health Insurance. We cannot survive another year under UFS's reckless leadership.
UFS’ Ms. Drescher, Mr. Rapp, and their slate try to disguise their lack of union knowledge by filing frivolous claims, dodging debates/town hall meeting invites, and spreading disgusting LIES and alternative facts.
M1st respects the intellect of our members. That’s why we have been and continue to be available to listen to your concerns and answer your questions.
View Our M1st VOTER’S GUIDE: https://www.membershipfirst.com
Thank you,
Not Paid For With SAG-AFTRA Funds