Ask yourself: During the pandemic, why would the President of the Union forbid every committee in all of the locals from meeting – for over a year?
In March of 2020 when the country was orderd to remain inside, the current administration responded by shifting the operations of the union to work at home. Sadly, many staff had to be let go. Using emergency powers, the president cancelled all committee meetings across the union. As the Nation adapted to the new zoom culture, workers in virtually every profession and walk of life became more efficient and more productive in this new environment.
For absolutely no reason, the President of SAG-AFTRA refused to lift the prohibition from members returning to their vital committee work.
Why is this an issue?
All of the issues that matter to you, from developing new strategies to protect against sexual harassment, to finding ways to support disabled members, to health care planning and organizing outreach to government officials regarding issues vital to our membership and so much more, we were locked out.
The administration will tell you that there weren’t enough staff to cover the meetings. Why couldn’t certain committees be prioritized to take advantage of what staffing was available. Furthermore, why couldn’t committees meet without staff?
This was a pure and grotesque misuse of Presidential power. The current administration simply didn’t want to be bothered with the voices of the members and the benefit of their research and thinking. They had plenty of time to produce daily podcasts and webinars which were largely designed to promote the status of the President.
Using Union resources for self-promotion is a corrupt technique that the President used to create an advantage in this election. It is wrong to abuse the position at any time, but to simultaneously disregard the President’s constitutional responsibility to nurture and develop committees is outrageous.
What is our solution?
With a change in leadership, MembershipFirst, under the administration of Matthew Modine and Joely Fisher, National and Locals committee work will be valued and supported. From carefully selecting the committee chairs, to finding innovative ways to encourage their progress, MembershipFirst will take serious interest and consideration in what committees present to the board.
MembershipFirst believes that Members should be able to contact their elected Representatives with ideas, concerns and feedback via email.
In a union, member-leader interaction should be welcomed, encouraged, and supported.
Leadership must be accessible and responsive to the needs of its members.
MembershipFirst intends that every Local and National Board Member and Officer be assigned an @sagaftra.org email address as our sister unions do.