Ask yourself: How could I make $34,998 last year...and not qualify for a pension credit?
Although we have a merged Union, we have two separate pension plans – a SAG Pension Plan and an AFTRA Retirement Fund. Performers’ earnings are divided between the two pension plans. Even though we think we earned enough, we still might not qualify for a pension credit.
Members work under both SAG and AFTRA contracts.
But our earnings to qualify for Pension Credits are split between the two separate pension plans.
We’ve made enough in total, but performers are constantly at risk of not earning enough to receive either a SAG or an AFTRA Pension Credit. We must accumulate pension credits throughout our careers to qualify for pension benefits. Cheating members out of a yearly pension credit could have a devastating financial effect on our members later in life.
Below is an example of how a performer would be unable to qualify for a pension credit in either Plan despite substantial earnings.
$20,000 is required to earn 1 annual SAG pension credit
$15,000 is required to earn 1 annual AFTRA pension credit
A member can earn up to $34,998 and earn zero pension credits in either Plan.
In other words, in a certain year you can earn $19,999 in SAG work, and $14,999 in AFTRA work and still not qualify for either pension plan.
The current SAG Pension Plan trustees and AFTRA Retirement Fund trustees have had a decade to find a solution to this problem. MembershipFirst understands the profound importance of this two-pension plan issue and will push to find new trustees to finally fix this broken system.
*There's more to this. Having our earnings split between 2 pension plans is bad enough. But if you're unfortunate to end up on an AFTRA show... You are penalized even further. The AFTRA Retirement Fund accrues at HALF (1%) compared to the SAG Pension Plan (2%). And the AFTRA early retirement penalty is TWICE that of SAG's. AFTRA has a 60% penalty at 55. SAG's is 30%.