Ask yourself: When you get FOUR glossy postcards telling you “Vote Yes on this great Contract” - and TWO weeks later you lose your healthcare... Do you question your Union’s Transparency?
WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE?: In our local and national boardrooms, the current leadership uses the “cloak of confidentiality” to limit your ability to know what is actually going on inside our union. Decisions are being made within the union every day that affect your life and livelihood. This is your union. Information should be shared and you should be aware of decisions the union makes and how they are made.
For example:
The Netflix contract was negotiated by our staff and approved without a membership led negotiating committee.
A vested staff member can receive more than double the pension of a vested SAG- AFTRA member.
There were Health Plan changes made without telling Negotiating Committees or National Board members.
Board members’ individual votes are not reported. Members have no way of knowing how officers and board members are voting and whether it’s in their interests.
Without truth and transparency there will be more of the same detrimental decisions made and vital information kept from you, the proprietors of this union.
Transparency is the currency of trust and knowledge is power.
MembershipFirst will create accountability. The votes of board members and the National President will be on record and this information will be made available to the membership.
MembershipFirst intends to protect the integrity of the union. Our intention is to serve ALL union members.
We will continue to work to repair the practices and losses made by the current administration.
We will not keep vital information from you.
We want ALL members to be educated and informed.
We want all members to participate in the VOTE!